Boo! J'ai eu le plaisir de participer a mon premier echange sur SBEBB. Le theme: Halloween.
Ces filles font de superbes echanges et je voulais etre a la hauteur.
J'ai ete vraiment gatee par
Donna qui m'a envoye un joli sac et plein de surprises, des bonbons et chocolat, oui c'est Halloween, une grille Just Nan, un couponn de tissu et une broche. J'ai envoye mes petites choses a
Amy. Je lui avait brode un picknichoir et une bourse vide poche, le tout sur le theme d'Halloween bien sur.
Super echange!
Boo! I was very excited about this exchange. this was my first exchange on the SBEBB board. Theses stitchers do beautiful things and I really wanted to be as good as them.I received a wonderful package from
Donna. She made a lovely bag and sent plenty of goodies, treats, fabric, Just Nan chart. Thank you so much
I was sending my surprises to
Amy. I stitched a picknichoir (birdhouse pin keep) and a candy bag, everything with an Halloween twist.
thank you so much ladies for a great exchange...

Pour/For Amy