Saturday, March 31, 2012

C'est le printemps! Youpi.
Est ce que vous brodez au printemps? moi oui...entre mes maintes heures passees a jardiner!
Je brode mais je ne montres rien encore, j'attends de faire les finitions. En attendant, un echantillonage des couleurs que j'ai brode ou que je brode en ce moment....
It's spring! I am so happy, this is my favorite season.
Do you stitch when the spring is here? I do ...along with gardening.
I stitch but I am not going to show you anything yet....once I decided how to finish everything I will show you what I did. I stitched so many different colors....

Preuve en photo que le printemps est bien arrive meme a 1 500 metres d'altitude.
Spring has arrived even at the altitude of 5 000 ft ...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Apres plusieurs essais pour faire des Madeleines, j'ai enfin trouve une recette que j'aime. Parfumees a la fleur d'oranger, elles ont fait le bonheur de toute la famille. En plus, a la cuisson la petite bosse est apparue, youpi! La recette vient de chez Le Petrin. A vous d'essayer!
Madeleines are French small cakes with a peculiarity: it has a bump! In France, you buy them and are a traditional afternoons snack for children or are eaten with tea... I love Madeleines and since I can't find them here in the US, I decided to bake my own. I have to admit I tried several recipes but I was not very satisfied. The cake was cook but not light enough or I didn't get the bump when baking. Well, I finally find THE recipe. It is on a blog I like very much Le Petrin. It is translated in case you wish to try and learn about the story of the Madeleine. A Madeleine pan is needed to make these small cakes. Thumbs up for these delicious Madeleines.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Je joue les elegantes!
Regardez ce que Coco m'a envoye il y a quelques temps. Le courrier a prit tellement de temps que pour un peu ils seraient arrives en ete. Coco sait qu'au Colorado il fait froid mais elle me veux elegante egalement. Ils sont sensationnel ces gants decores. De belles fleurs sur les poignets et une grosse bague sur un doigt. C'est genial! Merci Coco.

I am elegant!
Look what Coco sent me. They took so long to arrive that I almost would have had the chance to wear them. Coco knows it is cold in Colorado so she is taking care of me. These gloves are fantastic. They are decorated with flowers on the wrists and with a big ring on one fingers. The effect is amazing. Thank you Coco!