Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ok....the SAL has officially started!
I know it's not the first yet, but I can't wait!
The photo represent the first part we are going to stitch for this week. It's doable.
Liz from PA and Corinne from France joined the group...
Let's go ladies, to your needles!


Corinne said...

Let's go ! And have fun !

sandy said...

Je dois m'y mettre aussi mais je ne me suis pas inscrite car je ne peux pas respecter les délais

Corinne said...

Ben... je suis inscrite, mais j'ai bien peur de ne pas pouvoir tenir les délais non plus... Je vais essayer....
Des bisous

LizC said...

Everything in hand as of yesterday,Friday; floss, pattern, fabric...stitch away!

Doinique said...

J'aimerais bien acheter la grille christmas masi je ne sais pas comment faie.
Merci Dominique

La Brodeuse brode said...

dominique, tu peux m'envoyer un mail a valerie @