J'ai organise un echange de cousette ou Toblerone sur le Fil en Scene et tout commence a arriver. Les filles ont vraiment fait de belles choses, allez voir, les photos arrivent. Chaqueparticipante devait donner une couleur afin que cette cousette soit faite dans cette couleur.
Je n'ai pas encore recu la mienne mais celui que j'ai fait pour Gwenilli est arriver a destination. Elle voulait du rose/mauve...et voila! Comme je n'ai pas trouve de petits anneaux pour les fils, j'ai improvise avec une mini pince a linge decoree aux couleurs de la cousette.
Ce fut un vrai plaisir a faire, contente qu'elle te plaise Gwenilli!
I organized a stitcher's fold out on the Fil en scene's forum. I made it with cardboard covered with fabric. I added little pockets to slide thread of the tip of a pair of scissors (in the middle) and a mini decorated cloth pin I painted to the colors Gwenilli wanted to hold more thread. On the opposit side I fixed a fleece piece to use as a pinkeeper. All the participants of the exchange had to choose one color they wanted their stitcher's fold out to be. Gwenilli chose pink/lilac/purple. Go see the other pictures on the forum...the girls did a great job! More to come.
I had fun making this stitcher accessory...I'll make more for sure!Ce fut un vrai plaisir a faire, contente qu'elle te plaise Gwenilli!
I organized a stitcher's fold out on the Fil en scene's forum. I made it with cardboard covered with fabric. I added little pockets to slide thread of the tip of a pair of scissors (in the middle) and a mini decorated cloth pin I painted to the colors Gwenilli wanted to hold more thread. On the opposit side I fixed a fleece piece to use as a pinkeeper. All the participants of the exchange had to choose one color they wanted their stitcher's fold out to be. Gwenilli chose pink/lilac/purple. Go see the other pictures on the forum...the girls did a great job! More to come.