Sunday, August 28, 2011

Je participe au concours Metre Ruban de The Gift of Stitching.... Votez pour moi si vous aimez ce que j'ai realise....sous le nom ThreadBasket... enregistrez vous, puis, un commentaire = un vote.

I entered The Gift Of Stitching's measuring tape contest...Vote for me if you like my tape measure...It's the blue one under ThreadBasket.... Register, then, one comment = one vote.
Thank you

Friday, August 19, 2011

Apres un mois et demi de voyage, le paquet que Isa avait poste pour mon anniversaire, est enfin arrive!!! Nous n'y croyons plus toutes les deux, mais tout arrive!
Un gros bisou a Isa, qui fete son anniversaire le meme jour que moi....en juin! Merci ma belle pour toutes ces merveilles, elle brode et coud merveilleusement bien! Regardez!

I have been waiting for a package since the end of June. It finally arrived a couple of days ago after a month and half of travel! I was still hoping to receive it and when I saw it at my door I was so relieved. Isa sent this package for my June! It has arrived and I want to share the pictures with you. Isa is a talented sewer and cross stitcher... I am so happy!
Thank you Isa.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Je suis triste....Gazette ferme son blog!
Je tenais publiquement a dire que j'appreciais son blog, sa creativite, sa gentillesse et sa generosite. J'ai brode plusieurs de ses grilles et j'en avais encore plus sur ma liste de projets. A chaque fois que je broderais une tes grilles Gazette, je penserais a toi.
Merci Gazette et bonne continuation!

I'm sad....Gazette closes her blog!
If you didn't know Gazette's blog, visit. Gazette is a very creative lady and very generous. All her free charts are on her blog still. I stitch few of Gazette's charts and have many I want to stitch. Each time I'll stitch one of your creation, I'll think about you Gazette!
Thank you Gazette and good luck!

the last gazette chart I stitched last fall

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

La colle est seche, super peux vous montrer ma boite The Sweatheart Tree!
J'ai utilise un tissu tres glissant qui m'a fait @$*%(%*&#, mais la couleur etait parfaite, c'etait celui la qu'il fallait!
L'ete se termine, l'ecole reprend dans 2 jours, je profite de ces quelques dernieres heures ou je n'ai pas a courrir de partout pour travailler sur d'autres choses mais ce sont des chuts...alors il faut patienter! L'ete fut superbe, la tete est pleine de souvenirs et de belles choses que nous avons decouvert.

You had to wait until the glue was dry. It is very dry now and I can share my The Sweetheart Tree box. the stitching was done and I was waiting for inspiration. The stitching became the top of a box. The dark purple fabric was very slipper
y and I had a hard time to manage it. the color was the one I had to deal with it.
The summer is ending, back to school is in 2 days. Before crazy life is back I work on few little things I can't show you as they are surprises.
The summer was beautiful , we have plenty of wonderful memories and discovered magnificent places.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Il y a des moments ou je brode, il y a des moments ou je fais les suis dans cette derniere periode. Voila le resultat pour le Carre Coeur de Tralala. Le cadre n'a rien d'extraordinaire mais il est carre et rien que pour cela je suis toute contente de ma trouvaille! Un cadre, une broderie et un ruban...le tour est jouer. J'ai autre chose a vous montrer mais la colle seche, patience!

Sometime I stitch, sometime I take care of the finishing. Right now I'm in a frenzy finishing time. It's just like I have all these ideas in my head and I have to do something about it. While glue is drying on an other projet, this is my Tralala's Carre Coeur I framed. I was excited to find a square frame, yes it is difficult to find. I framed my square stitching and added a small ribbon all around finishing it on a bow in one of the corners. Will come back for next project when it will be dry!
Tralala's chart are for sale at

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Il fait beau et chaud, le jardin pousse. La preuve en image....ceuillette de ce matin. Je surveille mes artichauds egalement, je ne les mangerais pas, j'attend simplement la belle fleur violette que je vous montrerais. Et puis je serais prete pour Halloween....mes citrouilles encore vertes poussent a vue d'oeil!

My garden loves the beautiful and hot weather we have. I just wanted to show you what I picked up this morning...zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes... I keep an eye on my artichokes as I don't want to miss the beautiful purple flower. I love eating artichokes but I will not eat those, I just grew them for the flowers! I'll make sure to share it with you. Halloween will be upon us soon still green pumpkins are growing very fast.

Cote broderie, je vois la vie en bleue en ce moment....
as for stitching, life is blue right now...

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Cheyenne, Wyoming est a une heure 30 de chez moi. Petit voyage chez les cowboys, les vrais a l'occasion du tres repute rodeo de Cheyenne. Plusieurs competitions, chevaux avec selles, chevaux sans selles, une course de chevaux sauvages. Il faut les monter et faire de 1 ou 2 tours de piste. Sur 10 equipes, seulement 2 ont reussies!
Une super journee ou l'on decouvre le vrai travail des ranchers et cowboys. Un veritable style de vie.

Howdy! Cheyenne, Wyoming is about 1 hour and half from where I live. Cheyenne is well known for its Frontier Day Rodeo. Several races, horse, bull, wild horses.... 10 teams for the wild horses race, only 2 were able to get a horse, mount it and race 1 or 2 loops!
A great day and way to discover what ranchers and cowboys do.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Avec les copines de le fil en fete nous avons organise un echange sachet senteur. Un echange pour le plaisir, pour feter l'ete, pour la bonne odeur de la lavande.
J'envoyais un sachet a Marielle, (il sentait la menthe a defaut d'avoir trouve de la lavande) Ladieboop m'en envoyait un. Regardez simplement, c'est beau et ca sent divinement bon. Merci Ladieboop.

With my friends from Le fil en fete we exchanged lavender filled small pillows. Something we decided, to celebrate the summer, friendship, lavender!
I received my surprised from Ladieboop , I sent mine to Marielle (couldn't find lavender so I used mint). Just look, it's just adorable and it's smell divine! Thank you Ladieboop.

from / de Ladieboop

For /Pour Marielle