Je pars a Paris.....pour le moment ce n'est qu'a travers la broderie mais les valises se preparent! Ma derniere petite parisiennerie, voici un nouveau mot il me semble, le Oh la la ca c'est Paris de Tournicoton que j'ai arrange a ma sauce comme d'hab. Cela m'a prit du temps pour trouver un petit cadre et pourtant il n'a rien d'extraordinaire! J'ai agremente le tout par de la dentelle ancienne venant de mon arriere grand mere, encore elle! Merci Marie Therese. Je ne pense pas qu'elle imaginait ses tresors finir aux USA.
Paris....I'm going! For now it's only through stitching but the suitcases will be ready soon!My latest little Parisian thing is "Oh la la ca c'est Paris" of Tournicoton. As usual, I stitch it and finish it my way. This time I framed it and add some old vintage lace I got from my great grand mother, Marie Therese. I regularly talk about her here when I use some old lace. Thank you Marie Therese. I don't think you ever imagined your treasures will end up in the USA.
Oh la la ca c'est Paris is for sale at
Paris....I'm going! For now it's only through stitching but the suitcases will be ready soon!My latest little Parisian thing is "Oh la la ca c'est Paris" of Tournicoton. As usual, I stitch it and finish it my way. This time I framed it and add some old vintage lace I got from my great grand mother, Marie Therese. I regularly talk about her here when I use some old lace. Thank you Marie Therese. I don't think you ever imagined your treasures will end up in the USA.
Oh la la ca c'est Paris is for sale at