Juliette est arrivee chez Amandine...De ce fait, j'ai fignole les petits cadeaux que je lui reservais. Le petit chapeau etait pres, mais j'attendais le prenom pour la boite a dents. Anatole, le grand frere a la sienne egalement. Les boites sont des mini boites Altoids chewing-gums, brodes en 1/1.
Bienvenue Juliette.
Bienvenue Juliette.

Amandine had her baby girl. A beautiful baby named Juliette. Some gifts were ready like the hat but I needed the name to finish stitching the tooth box. Anatole, the big brother has his own tooth box in blue, Juliette's is in pink....but of course! LOL The tins are mini Altoids tins for chewing gums, stitching with 1 thread over 1. Welcome Juliette.